February 5, 2011

Jana Oliver: The Demon Trapper's Daughter

I love good books that take place in the future so I was happy to receive this one from LibraryThing's Early Reviewer's program. I was not disappointed.

The Demon Trapper's Daughter takes place in 2018, and as far as our histories go, this one lies separate. Demons have always been haunting Earth, and it's Riley's dad's job to trap them. As much as some people oppose it, Riley really wants to be a demon trapper, too. Can she be one and at just seventeen, though? After her dad is murdered, Riley works hard toward the dream she has always dreamed: To be a demon trapper.

This book lived up to my expectations. I could connect to the main character and was glued to the book both fairly quickly. Oliver's The Demon Trapper's Daughter was real enough in it's demons-on-Earth kind of way that I shed tears reading it. There's some sadness in this book, but strength must overcome sadness, and Riley must live up to challenges faced to be what she wants to be. This is going to be an interesting series. I would like to recommend this book to readers who are sixteen and older.

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On another note, at this time I would like to say that I'm going to participate in the 2011 Debut Author Challenge. It's something I was linked to when exploring Jana Oliver's website. The 2011 Debut Author Challenge is run by The Story Siren. I look forward to discovering more interesting books by authors I've never read books by.