I think it would be wise to decrease the amount of these that I purchase new. Lucky enough two had a coupon, one was thirty percent off, and another was completely purchased with Borders Bucks, a system I don't quite understand.
Where They Came From
Early Reviewers: A Friend at Midnight
Book Mooch: Elsewhere, Castle in the Air, and One for Sorrow, Two for Joy.
Paper Back Swap: Outside Beauty, East, Queen of Camelot, and Od Magic.
Bought used: Tantalize
Bought new: Untamed, The Neverending Story, plus four from a book shopping trip with a friend from LibraryThing: Winter's Tale, The Name of the Wind, The Titan's Curse, and Brisingr.
I hope it will be soon that I will have my new bookshelf. Not only would each book at last have a home but I could finally organize them once more at last, something that has been driving me mad with so little book space available at the moment.
Border's bucks is based on how much you spend using your Border's Rewards card. Once you spend a certain dollar amount (I forget exactly what the amount is, $150 or something,) you get a $5 coupon back.
Thanks, bib! I'll have to check how much I've spent there. For some reason they sent me a $10 coupon.
I'm wondering if I spent $300+ and that they waited the full year to give me any Border's Bucks. My mother uses a keychain from the same Borders Rewards account, so it wasn't just me spending money on books. Goodness, that would be a lot! ;)
K, did you ever finish reading Alice in Wonderland? I think we need to bump that to the top of your list if you didn't. :o)
Hee hee. I haven't started it yet! Okay, I will put it on the top of the list. Despite my putting it off, you've no idea how much I've wanted to read it since first reading The Eyre Affair. I want a stuffed toy Cheshire Cat to keep on one of my bookshelves. I love the Thursday Next series!
. . .
Now I'm frustrated! I just went to pull the book off the shelf and it's not in it's home. I'm looking for the familiar navy spine and am not seeing it. Urgh. The thing is I probably just overlooked it both times I checked for it just now. I will have to reorganize them this weekend so I can read it next!
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