In search of other vampire books after reading Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series, I had at one point mooched the first two books in the Morganville Vampire series by Rachel Caine on BookMooch. The first book is called Glass Houses which I finished reading last night.
This book is a very quick read - I read it in hardly more than one day. It's definitely not the same as all that dazzles us in the Twilight series - the characters aren't as well developed and after reading it one gets the idea that it's only meant to be a small story, never a favorite book - still, it's a story that holds it's own. I don't think we should enter books while holding onto another to compare them to necessarily, and I did not do that with this book but simply read. It has it's strong points and some chilling as well as touching moments. Spooky.
Unhappy though I was with the ending, I'm going to continue the series and begin book two.
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