1. J.K. Rowling:
Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone2. Jane Austen:
Sense and Sensibility3. J.K. Rowling:
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets4. J.K. Rowling:
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban5. Ben Schoen:
Mugglenet.com’s What Will Happen in Harry Potter 7?6. Jane Austen:
Northanger Abbey7. Elizabeth Flock:
Me & Emma8. J.K. Rowling:
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire9. J.K. Rowling:
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix10. J.K. Rowling:
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince11. Galadriel Waters:
New Clues to Harry Potter: Book 512. David Langford:
The End of Harry Potter?13. J.K. Rowling:
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows14. Jasper Fforde: Thursday Next:
First Among Sequels15. Charles de Lint: Newford:
Little (Grrl) Lost16. Jodi Picoult:
My Sister’s Keeper17. Stephenie Meyer: Twilight:
Twilight18. Stephenie Meyer: Twilight:
New Moon19. Stephenie Meyer: Twilight:
Eclipse20. Neil Gaiman:
Stardust21. Frances Hardinge:
Fly by Night22. Lawrence Gain and Juliet H. Mofford:
Cry "Witch!" The Salem Witchcraft Trials23. Charles de Lint: Newford:
Promises to Keep24. Marya Hornbacher:
Wasted: A Memoir of Anorexia and Bulimia25. Stephenie Meyer: Twilight:
Twilight26. Stephenie Meyer: Twilight:
New Moon27. Stephenie Meyer: Twilight:
Eclipse28. Philip Pullman: His Dark Materials:
The Golden Compass29. Philip Pullman: His Dark Materials:
The Subtle Knife30. Philip Pullman: His Dark Materials:
The Amber Spyglass31. Holly Black:
Tithe: A Modern Faerie Tale32. Holly Black:
Valiant33. Feline Friends:
A Cat Lover’s Treasury34. William Goldman:
The Princess Bride35. Julie Gregory:
Sickened: The Memoir of a Munchausen by Proxy ChildhoodBooks Read by Month:January: 0
February: 1
March: 2
April: 3
May: 1
June: 3
July: 3
August: 6
September: 3
October: 3
November: 5
December: 4
Books Read by Genre:Children’s/YA: 17(20)
Classic Lit: 2
Non-YA Fantasy: 2
Fiction: 3
Nonfiction: 4
Reference: 3
Series completed: 2
New Authors:Holly Black
Elizabeth Flock
Neil Gaiman
Lawrence Gain (and Juliet H. Mofford)
William Goldman
Julie Gregory
Frances Hardinge
Marya Hornbacher
David Langford
Stephenie Meyer
Jodi Picoult
Ben Shoen
Galadriel Waters
Re-reads:Harry Potter books 1-6 (though I read the UK editions for the first time)
Twilight books 1-3
Most Eagerly Anticipated Books:1. J.K. Rowling:
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows2. Stephenie Meyer:
Eclipse3. Jasper Fforde:
Thursday Next in First Among Sequels4. Charles de Lint:
Promises to Keep5. Charles de Lint:
Little (Grrl) Lost