Part three.
#30 Philip Pullman: His Dark Materials: The Amber Spyglass (November 2007)
I'm unsure how many times in the past I read this book, but as I read I knew there were scenes waiting to be read once more that were favorites of mine from readings in the past, scenes which touched me just as much despite six years having passed since my first reading of this series. I won't spoil this book by giving these scenes away. However, know that parts are very touching. This book is filled with big scenes that hold you at the edge of your chair, sitting alert and reading at a quicker pace than you would normally read, anxious to discover what it is that's happening, and how it all comes to an end.
For my first reading of this book, I was still attached and wrote a small piece of fan fiction, my first ever. I've no idea what became of it, though still remember how it goes. (No, I won't be rewriting it.) I would no longer write it the same since I think I could capture key characters better now that I'm older.
Right now there is a lot of controversy surrounding this series what with the film coming out this December and bringing more awareness to these books. Had it not been for the Harry Potter books, I'm sure this series would have received more recognition, and sooner. As is, I can say it is a great piece of YA fantasy, action-packed and lovely at once. I see no reason for all the trouble that is going to be brought upon these books and the film from some groups of people. It is argued that Pullman is teaching atheism to the minds of children. I say maybe he is simply opening their minds to see the world in more views. Everyone grows up eventually, as Pullman well points out in this series, and exposure is a necessity to further understanding of life. Reading and watching this series captured on either paper or film will not do away with the essence of youth. They will not suddenly gain the look of shock and announce a strong will and desire to become an athiest, which by the way, is not a hurtful word in any way. Let the children read and obsorb their minds with tales of the importance of truthfullness, honor, and love, as this series does. Let them watch the film and be enthralled as they see a world much like our own and yet somehow different, making the ordinary suddenly possess an extraordinary quality to it, where armored bears may speak and the lights in the northern part of the world gives a magical glow that is well thought of at this time of year. Excitment, not thoughts of religion being good or bad, is what will fill their minds. They are too young to as of yet see things the way some adults may interpret this series, and so it is simply this: innocence, unharmed and still protected. Please do not prevent a single child from enjoying this charming wonderful story, as I have also enjoyed again and again which each reading of it. The gift of story is truly a marvelous gift.