Then you better check yourself in, 'cause - I don't mean to break your heart - he's fictional. (Hehe, I had to say it. ;)
LibraryThing never came back on today, so I guess I won't be there much until next Wednesday. :( The terrible shame of this is that I received a long awaited for book this afternoon that I had mooched back in April just for using in the Harry Potter group on LT! Now I can give a Bowser laugh when at last LT is up, and I can let the other group members know it's arrived. ;) Let the questions begin! (But not till after work tomorrow, if LT is back up.)
With all the down time lately, I've picked up and finished my book. Instead of jumping into he next HP book, though, I'm reading one I mooched a while back, called The End of Harry Potter? by David Langford. After twenty pages, I'm guessing it won't be all it's made out to be, and I'm glad to say it may have only cost me $1.33.
While my usual online hang outs are sadly unavailable, I've checked out Mugglenet and found these bookmarks available on the Scholastic website. Only yesterday, I read that people are giving these ones away on the Knight Bus tour, currently on the Eastern side of the US. I have a bit of a wait, but I'm not going to miss it!
Edited: That's way too much room for thin, little bookmarks, so I've deleted all but the first one. I could only get them on separate lines. Wish I knew how to get them side-by-side!
LibraryThing was working again last night, but as of twenty minutes, is down again. I didn't even get a chance go on it this morning. Before I even checked their site, I checked my e-mail, and found a BookMooch wishlist e-mail. I held my breath and clicked to try to mooch the book, logged in, and found only the words "To where do you want the book sent?". Before I realized the page was done loading, I was ecstatic that I would get to mooch it. Then I got all upset, because of course BM wouldn't come back on at a time I can get the book! The site is down so frequently, that I almost want to pull all my books off it, and not return. This sort of thing has happened to me far too many times. Furthermore, it seems to be down near every time that LT is down. I know they're completely separate, but I still wonder why that happens. It's very irritating, but beyond that, as far as BM is concerned, an huge inconvenience.
My prediction about LibraryThing taking more than five to ten minutes to be running again was quite right, as the site's been down since at least 8pm last night and has yet to work today, nearly sixteen hours later. It's times like this that I wish the people who I normally talk to there and I could chat somewhere else. I'm sure it will several hours more before the site works today. Likely, it may be an all day 'Thing' without the 'Library.' Sadly, this has happened before on days I've had off. I hope I can at least go on it tomorrow, or I won't be there much for nearly eight days because of work. :( 'Guess it's off to reading.
While LibrayThing is still down from last night (5-10 minutes, ha), I went on BookMooch to check for pending mooches. It's been more than a week since anyone has mooched from me. The only reason I can come up with is that my inventory is just not interesting. I have excellent feedback, and never fail to notify people who I send books to about the status of their desired book. While I'm not receiving any mooches from people, I'm not much receiving any e-mails about books on my wishlist turning up, either. I guess this is good, since I won't use up points without being able to get more, but I just love getting mail! It's always exciting to receive a book in the mail. If one doesn't arrive today, it will be five days since I last received one. Speaking of five days, last Saturday I sent a book out of the US for the first time. It went to Africa by first-class air mail, and I was told it would take five to nine days to arrive. While I paid to to able to check if it is delivered, the postal worker never gave me the required slip of paper to do so. Today marks the nineth day, and the bookmoocher in Africa has not said the book has been received yet. I fear they may dislike the condition of the book, though I am very good about writing them. Creased spines, aged and yellow pages, I list them. While I was checking out the pending mooches, I looked over profiles of some people who I mooched from. One has recently listed a blog, and when I visited it, I found that the book I mooched from them, Dreams Underfoot by Charles de Lint, was on a book challenge that he or she took. It seems this is their first book by the author, and I was shocked they were giving it away, as it seemed they rather enjoyed it and wish to read more by this author in the future. My gain, I guess. It seems they've read another of my favorite books recently as well, Something Rotten by Jasper Fforde. I may just keep checking their blog ( every so often. It seems rather interesting. Only a few months ago, I had two copies of Dreams Underfoot. I worked up the courage to finally offer the older one on BookMooch, and it was immediately swiped up. A couple weeks later, I traded books with a friend, and gave away the second and newer copy. I didn't mind giving it to this person at all, but was rather happy I could perhaps let someone discover this author's works. I decided to replace it with another copy from a bookstore, but never much go to bookstores that sell new books, so I hadn't replaced it. I eventually decided to add it to my BookMooch wishlist, and was very happy to receive an e-mail about it being added to someone's inventory. Now, I only wait for it to arrive. After September, I plan to at long last reread Charles de Lint's Newford series in their correct order. As the author points out, they are designed to be read in any order (but must begin with Dreams Underfoot), I just have read all of them and wish to read them in chronological order now. Well, soon, not so much now. I have a lot of rereading to do for the final Harry Potter series' release, and after that, some classics and Jasper Fforde's Thursday Next series for his fifth book in that series. I wouldn't be able to wait till these books are released, had I not so much prep-reading to do.Summer Reading Schedule:Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J.K. RowlingHarry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J.K. RowlingHarry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. RowlingHarry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K. RowlingHarry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by J.K. RowlingHarry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince by J.K. Rowling**Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. RowlingThe Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde*Wuthering Heights by Emily BronteLost in a Good Book by Jasper FfordeThe Well of Lost Plots by Jasper FfordeHamlet by William ShakespeareSomething Rotten by Jasper FfordePride and Prejudice by Jane Austen**First Among Sequels by Jasper Fforde*First time read
*New releases, also first time reads
Awesome! Counter up and running.
I cannot emphasize how many times I've tried to get those darn things to work, but they never seem to. Grrr! I'm sure it's just me or my computer. I wish it would work correctly already. Maybe I'll have luck adding one of them here. I'll have to see. :)